Tag: Camping

Shorebirds in Idaho

June 19 – 20, 2020. It was a little disappointing that we didn’t get to kayak on the Snake River. When we were at Swan Falls the weather turned bad on the days we had lined up for kayaking and…

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Snake River Birds of Prey

June 11 – 18, 2020. I’m not sure exactly how the idea to visit Idaho popped into my head. It must have been some #vanlife Instagram image or perhaps a photograph of some picturesque Idaho campsite from the Campendium newsletter….

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June 2020 Cost of Being a Nomad

We did a bit more traveling in the month of June, leaving Utah, heading north through Nevada and on into Idaho – our first new state in the 3 1/2 years we have been roaming around in Ballena Blanca. Since…

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May 13 – May 24, 2020. I got lost in the woods alone. This was annoying. Not just because I was lost but because by becoming lost I ended up not avoiding the very thing I was trying to avoid…

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May 2020 Cost of Being a Nomad

We are National Park Citizens again! OK, really we just got a new $80 park pass but in getting it I felt somehow relieved and whole once more. We had been without a pass for nearly 4 weeks. And I…

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April 2020 Cost of Being a Nomad

I thought this was going to be one of the easiest expense posts I had ever done. We didn’t walk into a store in April until the 15 and weren’t planning on hitting another store until May 1 after another…

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The Desert Around Ajo Part 1

April 16 – April 20. It was around 3 years ago when we were driving from Gila Bend south to visit Organ Pipe National Monument. The terrain was flat scraggly fields with a few creosote bushes here and there and…

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Madera Canyon

April 7 – 15, 2020. We spent a week at Las Cienegas and had gone down almost every road, wash, trail, and cow path within walking distance from two different camping spots. We could have found another campsite and explored…

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Las Cienegas

April 1 – 6, 2020. Our plan for a two-week quarantine failed. Although we thought about it several times before we left Tucson, in our hurry to go we forgot to check our propane tank. And then while we were…

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March 2020 Cost of Being a Nomad

So March was weird, wasn’t it? The beginning of the month was spent being somewhat cautious about the COVID-19 outbreak. We were still planning an epic trip to Alaska, catching up on the blog, and taking advantage of having friends…

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