May was full of adventure, great friends, good food, van problems, the Pacific Ocean, a couple of new states, and spending lots and lots of money. So much money I started to wonder where it was all going. In order…
May 10, 2022, Nice California. It is always fun to have friends with cool connections. When we were visiting our friends Tom and Beth in Lake County, California we found out that they were good friends with the owners of…
May 1 – May 5, 2022. Big Sur wasn’t on my radar at all until we started traveling across the US. That’s when I started reading about it in van life groups. I was intrigued even though I wasn’t really…
April 27, 2022. Channel Islands National Park is free to visit, and has stunning views, super cute wildlife, and endemic species that you won’t see anywhere else in the world. Yet they are one of the 25% of least visited…
April was all about getting ready to travel north – to Alaska! Our first task was to sell El Burro. Things between Greg and I went really well during our two months in Mexico so while we were there we…
March 13 – 28, 2022. We love to get off the beaten path. And despite the over development of a lot of Baja and the growing popularity of the peninsula with travelers, if you’re willing to drive down a few…
March 12, 2022. We didn’t have time to visit the small historic mining town of El Triunfo as we traveled south in Baja, so we stopped in as we drove back north. We strolled around the village and visited the…
March 7 – 12 & March 19 – 21, 2022. After we left Los Cabos it was time for some magic! By now, of course, we were already feeling Baja’s magic! The water, the culture, the wildlife, the big cities….
From the southern tip of Baja California Sur to Tucson, Arizona, we traveled over 1550 miles in March. We traversed long bumpy dirt roads, super-narrow highways, and lovely wide expensive toll roads. We dodged potholes and kept our distance…
“Oaxaca”! It was an alcohol-fueled, involuntary response to a stimulus, from me, just one of the many oversized visiting gringos at the Thursday night festival. “No”, said the Mexican woman beside me. Then she thought for a second, and said…