April 6 — Little Harbor

When I last mentioned Little Harbor it was described as our first haven in the Abacos. Basically it was a resting spot that was calmer than the Atlantic Ocean. We arrived, anchored mid-harbor in the Bight of Old Robinson, and…

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April 4 – 5 — North Bar Passage

I’ve always thought of weather as this totally random thing that some rolly polly guy on TV pretends to be the expert on even though he is always wrong. According to The Annapolis Book of Seamanship, this is not the…

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April 1 — Strawberry Monkey Yacht Club, Marsh Harbor

On April first we joined in the fierce competition of the Strawberry Monkey Yacht Club’s final bocce ball tourney of the season. Team Blue Wing lost our first match to bocce queen Rose and her partner Mike. We were victorious…

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March 28 – 31– Powell Cay

From Greg. On the 28th we left Manjack to go up to uninhabited Powell Cay. It was a short easy sail to the cay, which is a wide ‘V’ shape pointing northeast. There are 15 foot cliffs on the northern…

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Bringing home one’s dinner, not bought in a store, but rather, provided by the bounty of Mother Nature takes skill and perseverance. Fishermen throw out lines to hook their supper or dive with spears to impale a night’s meal. It…

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March 26 – White Sound, Green Turtle Cay

Usually it is reassuring when ashore to look back over the harbor or anchorage and see Blue Wing with all of the other boats tethered to their anchors, pointing into the wind, swinging ever so gently back and forth in…

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March 17 – 24 — to New Plymouth

Just a little catching up… Sat. March 17 – The morning after the Barefoot Man the anchorage was really, really full. Greg wanted to do some swimming, so we motored up the coast of Great Guana Cay and anchored in…

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Fish, Conch, The Whale and New Injun Name

FISH I’m sitting in the cockpit watching and waiting for another spotted eagle ray to leap out of the water. These guys are dark with white spots on their backs and pure white underbellies. Their wing spans exceed four feet….

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The Wirie has arrived!

The first person I ever met who was interested in sailing was a customer of mine at a bar called Cheers where I worked in 1996. He was a middle-aged Bruce Coburn listening, greyhound adopting, guilt ridden liberal from Maine….

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March 15 & 16 — Great Guana Cay

We have become sheep. It seems like everyday since we started listening to the Cruiser’s Net there has been talk about the up coming Barefoot Man concert in Great Guana Cay. He was doing two shows at a bar called…

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