May 11 – May 24 — Preparing for Guests in Abaco

We have been back in Abaco for over three weeks. It has been a busy three weeks. The first two were spent preparing for our visitors – a thorough cleaning of Blue Wing, scouting out of marinas, places to snorkel,…

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Rust Never Sleeps

What a great day to be out on the deck! Actually it’s overcast with 100 percent chance of rain and a prediction of gale force winds. The guy next door is running a loud generator. Occasionally a sea turtle, laughing…

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Experiments in the Galley

Conch Fritters Greg procured another conch in the waters off of Tilloo Cay. Fortunately we had a great Internet connection at the time and he was able to look up a recipe for fritters. We had everything he needed except…

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Goodbye Eleuthera, Back in Abaco

I was so happy to be back in the Abacos. While we were in Eleuthera I mentioned something about Abaco to another sailor. He sniped back, “That’s not the Bahamas.” I imagine the Abaconians would take exception to his remark….

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May 10 — Journey back to Abaco

It’s 11:30AM May 10th, and I struggle with ways to describe how much I enjoy this life. (This is not a sentiment I felt six months ago on any given Thursday morning.) The island of Eleuthera is far behind us…

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May 6 & 7 — Rock Sound Harbour to Hatchet Bay

In a dead flat calm the water is serenely beautiful. The line that marks the horizon is too faint to mean anything. The sea, reflecting the azure color of the sky, seems to just rise up and above the boat,…

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May 4 & 5 – Harbor Lag in Rock Sound Harbour

In our neighborhood, Cabbagetown, back in Atlanta, we have a thing called “neighbor lag.” Neighbor lag is when you leave your home for a five-minute walk across the neighborhood that ends up taking 30 minutes or more. First you run…

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May 3 — Exumas to Rock Sound Harbour

On Wednesday morning we said goodbye to the Exumas. We only had a short time to spend in these islands and missed much. I would have liked to have seen the prehistoric iguanas at Allen’s Cay, the ruins of a…

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May 1 – Exuma Land and Sea Park

The sun shone on Tuesday morning and we were finally able to visit ashore. We hiked to the top of Boo Boo Hill and down several trails. Greg did some snorkeling. There was so much to see, we hardly made…

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April 28 – 30 — Exuma Land and Sea Park

Monday evening, April 30, the sun finally shone down on us for the first time in four days. All around we saw people emerge from their boats, bask in the sun’s rays and dinghy ashore. As the day came to…

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