New Stuff

Besides developing new relationships with cats, traveling around visiting friends and family in their various habitats, and pining away over the meaning of “home,” we spent our season on the dirt like so many other sailors do, spending money on…

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Great Gulf

“Duwan, we have a problem. Do you feel good enough to steer for a bit? The mainsail is coming off the mast.” It was about midnight. The wind was blowing over 20 mph, and our boat was bucking like a…

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Several years ago I learned that Doc Watson’s family was so poor his father used cat hides to stretch over the heads of banjos. My first thought was ‘Gosh, there IS some use for cats’. But after house-sitting this summer…

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Summer Island Hopping

Reading Jared Diamond’s ‘Collapse’ this summer prompted me to visualize places as isolated ecosystems. In a way, even though Duwan and I have spent the summer on the dirt, we have been island hopping. Right now we stay in my…

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Homesick, Homeless, Home

Earlier this year, during our first trip to the Bahamas, I found it a little hard to adjust to life on the boat. When we would watch TV episodes on DVD in the evening, I would devour the details as…

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On the Blue – Snapshots, Rum, and Stories

Our maiden voyage on Blue Wing was probably the most amazing thing Greg and I have ever done. I am so glad that we have had the opportunity to share our journey with images and words on this blog. We…

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’Get it to the nearest authorized service center immediately!‘ That’s what the Mercury manual says you should do if your outboard motor gets totally submerged. Flash back to Sunset Bay Marina in Stuart. We arrive in the rain to find…

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July 1 & 2 — Indiantown, Florida

Southern Florida is low, flat, and mucky. If you dig a hole two feet deep you will hit the water table, pulling up fluid as warm as that in the Gulf Stream’s current. But this underground water won’t fuel a…

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Shake It, Baby

Deciding to come back to the U.S. took no time at all. Putting together a “loose plan” for our return took a few hours. Actually getting back took many days. First, as you know, we had a period of rest,…

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June 12 – 15, White Sound, Green Turtle Cay, Abaco

We have been in the Bahamas four months today. Currently we are in White Sound in Green Turtle Cay. When we arrived here on Tuesday it seemed almost deserted with only maybe three or four inhabited boats in the harbor….

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