Passage to Abaco

April 14. We’ve waited two days for the perfect conditions to take us from Current Settlement back to the Abacos. With the promise of 10-15mph of easterly wind we have sails up at 6:00am. There is no moon, no sun…

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Spanish Wells

April 11. Thursday we sailed ten miles up to Spanish Wells to see Jean and Tom in their cottage ‘Done Reach’. We had visited with them last year, and wanted to swap books in their excellent book exchange (Lots of…

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April 4 – April 11. You’ll be happy to know that Eleuthera Island is as long, beautiful, and friendly as it was last year. Having been to the Glass Window, Cow and Bull rocks, Queen’s Baths, Gregorytown and Hatchet Bay…

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Little San Salvador

April 2 – April 3. Tuesday April 2nd was the start of a weather window we could use to travel to Eleuthera. We’d have lighter wind the first couple of days, with an increase as the next front approached. We…

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Father Jerome

If you were a child on Cat Island in the early 1950’s, you loved seeing Father Jerome, the aging hermit who always had pockets full of candy for the kids. John Cyril Hawes, Father Jerome, was a British architect who…

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Cat Island

March 25 – April 1. When we came to Cat Island we knew that we would have no westerly protection from the impending front. We figured we could hold on one more time and suffer through it. The day of…

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Passage to Cat Island

We wanted to stay in Conception longer but a day of southerly wind was in the forecast. Conception has little protection from the south so we blew out of there first thing on Saturday, heading to Cat Island northwest of…

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March 19 – March 22 In the morning, flocks of Tropicbirds make passes over patches of water looking for their new day’s repast. From a distance they appear as white flakes in a shaken snow globe, gently hovering and swirling…

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Passage to Conception

Monday March 18th we wake early and start our passage to Conception. The day starts with a light southeast breeze. The first leg of our trip is through charted shallows up the remaining 15 miles of Long Island coastline. We…

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Long Island

March 15 – March 17. Omar tells us ‘I have been giving island tours for years and this will be the biggest yet’. We are the first on the bus, sitting behind him so we will be able to hear…

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