Back to Stuart

And so, it’s back to Stuart to live in my folks’ house and get the boat ready for next season. We started by having Blue Wing moved from storage in Indiantown to the work yard there. Here I sanded the…

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2013 Traveling on the Dirt

For a few days at the end of June we found ourselves more homeless than usual. There was a two day gap in our house sitting schedule so we crammed all of stuff back into our little Honda Civic and…

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2013 Summer in Cabbagetown

Oh no, I’ve lost a chicken! It’s our first house sitting gig of the summer and Peter and Tova and the girls will be back from Italy in two weeks and they’ll be short one egg-laying hen. Where is she?!?…

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Back in the Bahamas!

November 27 – 28. It is so good to be back! There is lots to tell about the summer’s adventures and our time in Florida getting ready for this season’s journey. We had a successful trip, but, unfortunately not uneventful,…

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From Margaritaville to Magentaville

May 5 – May 11. On a nautical chart or GPS display the most direct route between two points is shown as a magenta colored line. In early May there is a steady stream of cruisers motoring back home, and…

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April 4. With the first inch of rainfall the boat doesn’t shrink too much. The rain is usually preceded by some exciting wind and cloud action. And you can always scrub the salt off the deck while getting a cool…

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The Spence Rock Channel Plan

April 26 – May 4. The islands of the Abacos define the borders of three expanses of water, The Sea of Abaco, The Little Bahama Bank, and the Bight of Abaco. Blue Wing has spent quite a bit of time…

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We’re Back!

May 11 – May 12. We arrived back in The States yesterday morning. It was a good trip across the Gulf Stream and we are glad to be back on the dirt for a while. We have both had long…

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Jules, Jeff and Neil

The afternoon of Wednesday 4/24 we are in Baker’s Bay off Great Guana Cay in the Abacos. We are really enjoying getting to know Jeff, Jules, and Neil who arrived in Marsh Harbor yesterday to charter a 36 foot Jeneau…

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Status Update II

April 15 – April 23 We do a lot of waiting. Sometimes it is a relatively short wait, like waiting for the tide to change, or sometimes it is a longer wait, like waiting days (or maybe weeks) for the…

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