Black Point to Long Island

December 26 – December 31. How does one measure success? I mentioned earlier that there is an effort to revive the development of a resort in Black Point. We’ve seen the ruins of the failed attempt and a plan for…

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Christmas 2013

December 24 & 25. We return to find that sleepy Black Point has woken up for the cruising season. There are a dozen boats in he harbor. The laundramat is busy. Scorpio’s is having happy hour every day, and the…

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On to Black Point

December 17 – 23. The sign at the laundry reads ‘Go to Adderlie’s store for wash tokens’. We are at the Rockside LaundERmat in Black Point, the finest laundry in the Bahamas. I woke this morning after dreaming of using…

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Pipe Creek

December 14 – 16. We love the wind. It fills Blue Wings sails and propels her as she glides through the radiant blue waters of the Bahamas. It spins the blades on our wind generator charging our batteries which power…

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Into the Exumas, West Bay to Cambridge Cay

December 6 – December 14. Our plan this season is to head south, island hopping through the Exumas to Long Island. From there we hope to make short trips (two or three weeks) to some of the more remote southern…

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Sea Sickness

Beware, the title of this post is not a metaphor for longing for the sea or anything poetic like that. This post is really about seasickness, the puking kind. You have been warned. Imagine you are in the middle of…

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West Bay

December 3 – December 5. The sounds of a Calypso crooner singing “Down on the Boardwalk” float over the bay and drift through the hatches. Night has fallen and we are tucked into the v-berth after eating a hot meal,…

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Bimini to New Providence

November 30 – December 2. We have a three-day window to get to New Providence. The first two thirds of the trip is across the fairly shallow Great Bahama Bank. The last third is through the Northwest Channel with depths…

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Crossing to Bimini 2013

November 26 – November 27. The human mind is a curious thing. One day you’re “living the life” on a sailboat in southern Florida. Then you get it in your mind you want to cross the Gulf Stream over to…

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Stuart to Miami

November 19 – November 25. Woo Hoo! We’re underway. It’s November 19th. We asked to raise the Roosevelt drawbridge at sunup. We motored out the St. Lucie inlet. And we’re now sailing south in the Atlantic Ocean. Stuart and the…

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