Shake Down Cruise Day 1

Sunday 9/14/14 Through the back window of The Great A’Tuin’s cozy interior, we see flashing blue lights speeding towards us to where we are parked in the Pilot parking lot in St. Augustine Florida. We step outside as two policemen…

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Where’s My Office Now Kickstarter

For all you dreamers or just those who love to live vicariously through those crazy enough to pursue a life of uncertainty and adventure, please check out this KickStarter Campaign by the folks at Where’s My Office Now. They are…

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Thu Aug 21, 2014 We have just bought our van. I drive away from the lot a proud 1982 VW diesel Vanagon owner. I’m driving because it has a manual transmission. Duwan will learn to drive a stick later. Now…

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Finding the Westy

August 21, 2014. “Should we do this?” We are way outside of Atlanta, in Villa Rica near the Alabama-Georgia border. We are in the library. We have just looked at and driven a 1982 Volkswagon Vanagon a few miles up…

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All by Myself, Part II

April 30. It was a couple of hours past dawn. Greg rowed us from the dinghy dock out to where Blue Wing rested on a mooring ball, ready for her last journey of the season. I took the helm and…

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Bimini to Stuart

April 24 – 25. I wake on Friday the 25th to the sound of a train. Not the high clickety-clack of an Atlanta MARTA run, or the low slow chunkety-chunk of a close by freight, but still the steady, rhythmic…

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Dinner with Friends at Brown’s Marina

April 18 – 23. Glasses full of red wine are raised up in the air. “Here’s to Rich and Amy!” We are in the salon of Teresa and Wade’s boat, our next-door neighbors at Brown’s Marina. The table is set…

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Greetings from Bimini!

April 18 – April 23. Bimini was our very first stop in the Bahamas at the beginning of our sailing journey little over two years ago. Our impression of the island was a little sad. Things seemed half done or…

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April 18 – 20. It is time to party Family Island style in the Bahamas! Down the street from our marina, we can hear dance music booming out over a loudspeaker. It’s the rhythm of Bimini’s Homecoming celebration. Bahamians from…

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Back in the USA

We are back in Florida today after a good Gulf Stream crossing, despite having no wind and having to motor the whole way. We had a great time in Bimini and still have a few stories to tell, but for…

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