WVO Phase I

In my earlier post I said that about half the cost of WVO conversion kit (from a company like Frybrid or GreaseCar) is for delivering heated fuel to the engine compartment. I’ve come up with an approach that’s much cheaper….

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Why WVO?

Why would anyone want to run a vehicle on Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO)? Well, cost is one reason. Restaurants have to pay to get rid of the stuff, so it shouldn’t be hard too find it for free. Another reason?…

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Boat Projects

November 2014 – March 2015. While we stayed in Stuart at my folks’ house, our boat lived ten miles up US-1 at the Sunset Bay Marina. Blue Wing was hanging from a mooring ball. Most days I would row out…

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The Van Gang

December 15 & 16, 2014. I feel like we have joined a gang, a scene, a tribe, a special club, a secret community with out the secret handshake, but with, instead, small gestures, waves, nods across parking lots and intersections…

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October 23 – November 16, 2014. I’ve never felt good about spending a lot of money on tools. There have always been more important things to buy, like baby shoes and clothes. And since tools are fun to use, they…

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Back to Florida

October 22 – December 12, 2014. On October 22 we finally left Cabbagetown. Odd jobs were still rolling in, but the house sitting was growing thin and being that it was fall, our summer has just gone on for way…

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Sleeping around Cabbagetown

May 23 – October 12, 2014. It’s moving day. I get up and feed the dogs and take them on their morning walk. Greg feeds the chickens and lets them range a bit in the yard. We wash our clothes…

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Working around Cabbagetown

May 24,2014 – October 11, 2014. “Call.” “Bruce.” “Junk.” No, Donald the Plumber isn’t speaking to me. He stands behind me, in the middle of Savannah Street, telling his phone to ring up Bruce. “Bruce? I’ve got a water heater…

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Van Party, Alright!

September 20-21, 2014. My main motivation for getting The Great A’Tuin back to Cabbagetown from our arduous trip through middle Georgia was to get the van to a safe place where repairs could be made. My second, much lesser motivation,…

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Shake Down Cruise Day 2

Monday, September 15, 2014. “Here use this bandana.” Greg didn’t look good. He took the bandana and wrapped it over his nose and mouth like an old west bank robber. Diesel fumes were permeating the van. It was rainy, the…

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