February 5 – February 8, 2017. For me going down is far scarier than going up. This is especially true when hiking up a steep rock face, but also when I am securely strapped into a tall rolling metal box,…
January 31 – February 4, 2017. One of the problems with being a nomad is buying things. I know in the sticks and bricks world you can order anything from anyone anywhere on the whole planet and have it delivered…
January 30, 2017. I think I’ve decided what to be when I grow up — a docent at Kitt Peak in Arizona. I may have to go back to school for a while, but it would be worth it. We’ve…
January 27 – January 29, 2017. The Organ Pipe cacti are like us. They don’t like cold weather. We decided to head south to check them out at the Organ Pipe National Monument in Southern Arizona. We decided to break…
January 21 – January 26, 2017. When we left The Rubber Tramp Rendezvous we only had one small plan for what was next. It was January 20th and the next day marches were bring held in cities all over the…
January 21 – January 24, 2017. Two Army guys with M-16s strapped to their backs pull up on four-wheelers. ‘Oh’, one says. ‘From a distance it looked like you were parked past that fence. Never mind. You’re fine here.’ They…
January 10 – January 20, 2017. On January 10 we funally made it to the Rubbertramp Rendezvous (RTR) in Quartzsite Arizona. We were there for 10 days and lots happened, lots didn’t happen, we met a few people, reconnected with…
Duwan As we left White Sands we were on target to reach The Rubber Tramp Rendezvous in Quartzsite, AZ by January 10. But first we made a little stop in Tucson to visit a friend, Deanna. Deanna just moved back…
January 3 – January 4, 2017. To visit White Sands we stayed at the Oliver Lee campground ten miles south of Alamogordo, NM. The campground itself is interesting. It is at the base of Dog Canyon, where water flows year…
As sailors, Duwan and I love the wind, in moderation, preferably on our beam. And as long as we’re not anchored somewhere rough, we enjoy hearing our wind generator produce power for us. So, while at Tucumcari we poked our…