March 28 – March 30, 2018. “Cebolla” said Duwan, holding up our fridge door, and pointing inside. “No. En Inglés”, said the guy with the machine gun. Duwan said, “Oh, Onion”. They moved around the van’s interior. He pointed at…
March 20 – March 27, 2018. We ducked through the diminutive doorway, what could almost be describe as a hole-in-the-wall, underneath the San Ignacio Mission and descended a few steps. A friendly guy greeted us. We fumbled a bit in…
This post is a Fuhgoddaboudit Friday — which means the events in this post happened so long ago we almost forgot about it. But luckily we haven’t completely fuhgoddaboudit and have been able to reach back deep into the recesses…
This post is a Widdershins Wednesday — which means we are turning the hands of time backwards and catching up on our travels we didn’t get a chance to write about last year. In this post we are setting the…
March 9 – March 20, 2018. On March 9th we left La Bufadora and drove south, along the Pacific coast to San Quintín. We turned off the main highway Mex1 onto a dirt road, and drove to Cielito Lindo (pretty…
This post is a Fuhgoddaboudit Friday — which means the events in this post happened so long ago we almost forgot about it. But luckily we haven’t completely fuhgoddaboudit and have been able to reach back deep into the recesses…
This post is a Widdershins Wednesday — which means we are turning the hands of time backwards and catching up on our travels we didn’t get a chance to write about last year. In this post we are turning back…
March 5 – March 8, 2018. “Moose!”, Duwan exclaims as we pull into El Mirador campground. Leave it to Duwan to recognize a dog she knows out here in Baja California. She hops out to greet Moose as I find…
February 14 – March 4, 2018. It has been over 6 years since we began our journey. Six years of traveling, house sitting, repairing and improving Blue Wing, outfitting and improving Ballena Blanca, starting adventures and having to turn back,…
February 5 – February 13, 2018. “Open.” Oh, English. That was for me. I open my mouth wider. It’s really my only job here. Hard to believe I was dozing off in a dentist’s chair, with people working in my…