
February 9 – 11, 2019. It’s pronounced Mow-RAY-Lee-Aah instead of having the expected emphasis on the Lee syllable. Why, because it’s named for Mexico’s beloved revolutionary Morelos (Mow-RAY-lows). Remember when we climbed up into his fist? The birth home of…

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Butterflies, a Marina, and a Waterfall

February 4 – 8, 2019. Finding good camping in Mexico can be a bit of a challenge. Right now we are at a campground parked on an incline. We have boards under our front tires to level us up, but…

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First Year Cost of Being a Nomad

February 1, 2018 – January 31, 2019. The end of this past January was the one year anniversary of our first year of tracking expenses. When we decided to go nomad about 7 1/2 years ago we had no debt….

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January 27, 2019. I’m really going to miss the mercados here. I can’t think of a real equivalent back in the states. Many mercados are as old as their cities, hundreds of years. On Sundays, the streets are blocked off…

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January 26 – February 2, 2019 The first time we took a city bus was in Oaxaca. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a good city camping option in Oaxaca City so we ended up at a campsite that, although close to the…

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La Reserva de la Biosfera Tehuacán-Cuicatlán

January 20 – 24, 2019. Remember Minerva? In addition to helping establish the Joshua Tree and Anzo-Borrego reserves in the US, she worked with Mexican president Rubio in 1931 to establish a 10K acre preserve near Tehuacán. Now the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán…

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January 2019 Cost of Being a Nomad

Wow! January was our cheapest month of tracking expenses since I started doing so in February of last year! I don’t know if it is just all the stars lining up, that we are getting better about spending money, or…

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Malinalco to Cholula

January 12 – 20, 2019. We left Mexico City at first light. Just like when we were planning our drive into the city two weeks earlier we spent a few days before our departure studying our route – the shortest…

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Mexico City 2019 Cost of Being a Nomad

For the last couple of weeks, we have been blogging about all the fun things we did, all of the tasty food we ate, all the cool stuff we learned, and all the beautiful sights we saw in Mexico City…

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CDMX: Luchadores, Punk Rock, Tequila, & More

December 30, 2018 – January 10, 2019. Today is our fifth and next to the last post about our time in Mexico City. We are going to call this post a Wordless Wednesday – or more accurately a Fewer Words…

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