A Legacy in Montgomery

November 18, 2019. After we left Knoxville we headed further south trying to stay ahead of the imminent cold weather of late fall. On the way, we made a stop in Montgomery, AL at the Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to…

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Knoxville Rocks and Bombs

November 5 – 17, 2019. On November 5th we found ourselves at Greg’s parents’ house in Denver, NC – again – the third time in one month. We assumed that by this time we would be somewhere in the midwest…

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From Virginia to Maryland

October 28 – November 1, 2019. In my last post about the Carolinas, I wrote about my idea to head north along the east coast during the fall ultimately arriving in Pennsylvania where we would visit with relatives. It was…

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November 2019 Cost of Being a Nomad

$3,797.96. No, this isn’t the total expenses for the month of November. It is only the total of one usually empty column from the month’s spreadsheet – Van Repairs. I’m sure this number is more than what many people have…

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North Through the Carolinas

October 11 – 18, 2019. This fall, instead of our usual trek out west I decided I wanted to do something completely different. In October when most travelers are heading south to the toasty climates of Florida and Arizona, I…

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Guitars, Kayaks, Friends, & Family

May 15 – May 31, 2019. It was mid-May by the time we left New Mexico for our long journey back to the southeast. We’d done this trip once before – a long drive through Texas, stop in Louisiana to…

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New Mexico Part 2

May 3 – May 13, 2019 – (This post is from our travels this past May). Our last travel post covered the beginning of our time in New Mexico, with visits to Earthships, the Rio Grande Gorge. Santa Fe, and…

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October 2019 Cost of Being a Nomad

October found us back on the road again – well sort of. After spending a few days at Greg’s folks’ house outside of Charlotte in Denver, NC transforming Ballena Blanca into a traveling van from a painting van, the rest…

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New Mexico Part 1

April 29 – May 2, 2019 (note the dates – this is a catching up blog from last spring). I had been wanting to get back to New Mexico for some time. Although we have actually made many stops in…

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Goodbye (again) Cabbagetown

One day many years ago when Greg and I owned a house and lived in Cabbagetown full time, Greg was walking down the street and saw a neighbor round the corner with a jar of salsa. She was having trouble…

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