Category: Wyoming

Yellowstone National Park

July 4 & July 22 – July 30, 2020. One thing I found rather curious about Yellowstone National Park is how many people I saw fishing. I imagine someone’s significant other coming home and saying, “Honey I just booked us…

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Grand Teton & Glacier National Parks

July 20 – 21 & August 7 – 13, 2020 Mountains. They are all over out west. When I first moved to Tucson, AZ from the Midwest some 30 years ago I was awed by the mountains. I’d never lived…

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Traveling with Scamper Squad

A dramatization of a text message: Scamper Squad – Thx for making the camping reservation. FYI we call ourselves the Scamper Squad complete with an official pose. If you don’t have a name and pose yet, better get cracking. 😁

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