Category: Nomad Life & Expenses
We did a bit more traveling in the month of June, leaving Utah, heading north through Nevada and on into Idaho – our first new state in the 3 1/2 years we have been roaming around in Ballena Blanca. Since…
We are National Park Citizens again! OK, really we just got a new $80 park pass but in getting it I felt somehow relieved and whole once more. We had been without a pass for nearly 4 weeks. And I…
I thought this was going to be one of the easiest expense posts I had ever done. We didn’t walk into a store in April until the 15 and weren’t planning on hitting another store until May 1 after another…
So March was weird, wasn’t it? The beginning of the month was spent being somewhat cautious about the COVID-19 outbreak. We were still planning an epic trip to Alaska, catching up on the blog, and taking advantage of having friends…
Last month I introduced a new expense report format and asked for feedback and actually got a few comments. A few people liked the new format, one person wanted more rants and another more goats. We will see what we…
We are running a little late on our expense report for January because I decided to make it more useful. I have changed some of the categories and am adding a few stock explanations that explain more about some of…
Yes, I realize that it is mid-February and I am just now posting getting our year-end expenses. But I wanted to wrap up our posts for 2019 before I wrapped up the year’s costs. And I just posted our last…
In November we blew our average monthly goal of spending only $1,500 per month due to our $3,797.96 worth of van repair expenses. So we thought what the heck, let’s just blow it out and spend like crazy the last…
$3,797.96. No, this isn’t the total expenses for the month of November. It is only the total of one usually empty column from the month’s spreadsheet – Van Repairs. I’m sure this number is more than what many people have…
October found us back on the road again – well sort of. After spending a few days at Greg’s folks’ house outside of Charlotte in Denver, NC transforming Ballena Blanca into a traveling van from a painting van, the rest…