Category: Nomad Life & Expenses
November started out special. Greg’s mom, Dossie, had mentioned visiting Brevard College where she and Perry first met. So on the first of November, we all hopped into the car, including Dossie’s miniature longhaired dachshund, Penny, and drove a few…
On August 14 of last year, Greg’s father, Perry, had a stroke. We were in Cabbagetown (Atlanta) at the time house sitting for friends. After Greg got the call, we made a quick trip to the grocery store, and then…
In July we finally landed at our first house sit of the summer in Cabbagetown. After a month of driving and visiting friends and family in June and visiting more friends and family during the first week of July, we…
We had just crested an incline when the whirl of Ballena Blanca’s engine suddenly went quiet and stopped. We were on the Horace Wilkinson Bridge crossing over the Mississippi River into Baton Rouge, Louisiana. With the forward momentum we had…
Good news! The van has been repaired! If you have been following along with our monthly reports from the road you know that our beloved van, Ballena Blanca, broke down on February 1st in Oaxaca, México. If you haven’t been…
It sounds like aliens coming to beam us up. The song of cicadas bubbles up into a crescendo of an electric hum. It lasts seconds before the noise bubbles away just to start again. There is a field between us…
Lots happened in March – except for the one thing we were really hoping for, getting our van back. If you have been following along you may remember from February’s terribly tedious Nomad Report that Ballena Blanca’s (our van) transmission…
Ballena Blanca’s transmission called it quits. After over 160,000 miles, back and forth across North America, up and down crazy dirt roads, zooming along on highways, in heat, cold, and rain, we are facing the most dreaded van repair. Here…
Sickness and seeing our new Friends again On January 1 woke up feeling seriously ill. Of course, I just assumed it was a hangover. The previous night’s festivities were quite fun and involved a bit of mescal. But I should…
December was a mix of good and bad. It was a big month that started out in San Antonio, Texas, and finished in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico. Computer Problems in San Antonio… Our month started off in San…