Category: Nomad Life & Expenses
It’s time for the bimonthly cost of being a nomad report for November and December. I know it is a little late – it almost being February, but we have been traveling pretty hard and now that we are in…
December 2018. It is time to wrap up our last month with numbers again! I like numbers. They can be fun. And when you start breaking things down into numbers they can become especially insightful or sometimes just plain weird….
November 2018. Hola Todos! We are currently in Sinaloa Mexico just north of Mazatlan. Today we bring you another installment of Nomading by the Numbers where we count up all the interesting, curious or sometimes mundane things we did the…
Another 2 months of tracking expenses is finally done. This little project can be a bit daunting sometimes because, really, we spend way too much money. But it is great to see where the money goes and be able to…
We have completed our 7th month of tracking every single one of our expenses. It can be quite a chore while we are here in Atlanta this summer house sitting and living it up in the big city, but I’ve…
May & June 2018. This is our second post about tracking our expenses and our 5th month actually making a note of everything we spend. This exercise wasn’t so hard on the road since we spent money in fewer places…
We have started tracking our expenses. We have never done this before. Our usual money management method has been to work all summer, make a bunch of money, try not to spend too much of it in Atlanta, go to…
So, I think we could become transition specialists. We have a little experience. Duwan has gone through an estate to set up a yard sale. And we both helped a friend get her mother’s house ready for market when her…