Author: Duwan

April 2021 Cost of Being a Nomad

April didn’t go as planned. We came to Florida (our state of residency) in March to have physicals (which we hadn’t had in over three years). I figured it would take a couple of weeks to meet with our primary…

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Latta Nature Preserve

February 27 – March 4, 2021. At the end of February, we found ourselves in Stanley, North Carolina at Greg’s parents’ house. We had decided to make a speedy 2200 mile trip across the country from the California/Arizona border to…

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March 2021 Cost of Being a Nomad

We were still at Greg’s parents’ house during the first part of March. Since we were on the east coast and hadn’t had physicals in a while I made some appointments with the last doctor we saw (over three years…

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Three National Wildlife Refuges

February 11 – 19. I usually have a plan. It is always flexible, never set in stone though, and often veers off in any direction at any moment. But this winter I didn’t really have much of a plan at…

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Mittry Lake Wildlife Area

January 20 – 26 & February 9 – 10, 2021. We were itching to get to a lake and break out the kayak. We were still in the Yuma area. Our Pandemic Pod we had spent Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years’,…

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Valley of Names

February 7 & 8, 2021. I had heard (and read) that a 4WD was required to get to the Valley of Names. We had first come to know about the site, 1200 acres of barren land where people go to…

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2020 Cost of Being a Nomad

On January 1, 2020, Greg and I woke up in a cold practically featureless field in the middle of nowhere Louisiana. New Year’s Eve had been spent doing the usual, supper eaten on top of the fridge/dinner table, reading ebooks…

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Keeping Warm

December 25, 2020 – February 6, 2021. We didn’t have much of a plan for this winter. After doing lots of planning during 2020 I was more than ready to not think too much about where to go next. We…

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February 2021 Cost of Being a Nomad

February was about deciding what to do next. In January after all of our dentist visits were done. Our little Covid pod of friends broke up and everyone went their separate way. Our friends from Roaming About decided that they…

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The Wall

December 28, 2020 & February 9, 2021. The end of 2020 found us in the desert outside of Ajo, Arizona. We were camped with our friends celebrating the Christmas holiday. The desert there is beautiful. We did daily walks, looked…

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