Author: Duwan
Posted in Boat Projects, Life on the Water
On Monday we “splashed” – put the boat back into the water. This was very exciting. Although we have owned the boat for months and spent 4 days motoring her up the ICW, this time she really felt like she…
Posted in Boat Projects, Life on the Water
It is pretty bad when things fall off your boat, but even worse when they fall from above. While on the hard our radar reflector came crashing to the deck. Someone had to put it back. Of course it makes…
Posted in Boat Projects, Life on the Water
Today was a big day. We rose before the crack of dawn and drove down to Fort Lauderdale. We had to accomplish three big things: 1. Pick up our new life lines and install them on the boat (Had a…
Posted in Life on the Water
These are pictures of Blue Wing we took during the boat survey. Obviously the survey went well, because we own her now! Enjoy the pics!