Author: Duwan

Fish, Conch, The Whale and New Injun Name

FISH I’m sitting in the cockpit watching and waiting for another spotted eagle ray to leap out of the water. These guys are dark with white spots on their backs and pure white underbellies. Their wing spans exceed four feet….

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The Wirie has arrived!

The first person I ever met who was interested in sailing was a customer of mine at a bar called Cheers where I worked in 1996. He was a middle-aged Bruce Coburn listening, greyhound adopting, guilt ridden liberal from Maine….

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March 15 & 16 — Great Guana Cay

We have become sheep. It seems like everyday since we started listening to the Cruiser’s Net there has been talk about the up coming Barefoot Man concert in Great Guana Cay. He was doing two shows at a bar called…

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March 8 – 13 — Marsh Harbor

The wind howls all around Blue Wing trying to blow us back out of the harbor into the Sea of Abaco, but our anchor has its mighty iron tooth dug firmly into the mud and hold us fast as we…

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March 2 – 6 — The Sea of Abaco

We finally have a good source for weather information, Cruiser’™s Net on channel 68 on the VHF radio at 8:15 every morning. The program, based out of Hope Town, Abaco, is run by cruisers in the Abacos. People in each…

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Goodbye Bimini!

Bimini has such a light cherry name. It is sing-songy to say. It conjures up everything you imagine the Bahamas to be – bright, airy, paradise. Unfortunately Bimini is not as it sounds. Bimini is the closest Bahamian island to…

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Feburary 18 – 23 Cat Cay, Gun Cay, Bimini

Wow. Wind and tidal currents are really important to us now. We left Saturday to explore the cays below Bimini. After a couple of very choppy nights we are learning better how to select our anchorages. Saturday we waited on…

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February 14 — Miami

Today was the first time either one of us has left Blue Wing since we boarded her over a week ago. Greg took the dingy for a spin, which is technically off the boat, but not off of the water….

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February 9-12 — Miami

At our anchorage last night we had gusts of wind up to 20 knots. Blue Wing rocked and swung and the lazy jacks clattered against the mast making a horrible racket throughout the night. I worried we would slip anchor,…

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February 7 & 8 – Miami

We have been in Miami for 3 days. Tuesday morning we hoped we could sail to Fort Lauderdale and then to Miami the next day. Our plan is to leave from Miami to Bimini. Although it was sunny in West…

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