June 3 & 4, 2022, Victoria, British Columbia.
If you have been following along you probably know that in June we took a vehicle ferry to Vancouver Island. Our first stop was Victoria, the capital of British Columbia.
What can I say, Victoria is amazing. It’s a lovely city, full of culture, art, architecture, green spaces, good food and drink, lovely views, museums, history, civic action, monuments, and more. There is free parking on the weekends and many things one would want to see are all within walking distance from each other. I’m sure we missed lots of things in Victoria but here are a few pics of where we went and what we saw.
(All pics are click to enlarge. Once you have them enlarged you can view them in a slide show. Also, you can hover over the pics to see captions.)
Haven’t been to Victoria in about 40 years so really enjoyed seeing how the city has changed and how little I remembered it. Had completely forgotten it had a Chinatown and had thought that Canada’s narrowest street was in Quebec City not Victoria! What a great tour you had that also incorporated learning first hand about the history, something other cities should also do.
I’m glad you enjoyed seeing the city again. Maybe the narrowest street is in Quebec City but I can’t imagine a street narrower than Fan Tan Alley. I’m glad that Victoria was our first stop in Canada. It was great to learn a bit about the city. Every city should have a play tour. I’d go to them all.
It’s fun to reflect on a place my wife and I visited. We were in Victoria the year before the pandemic started. Looking through your photos makes me realize that Chinatown is one main section of town we didn’t explore.
It is such a fun city. And Chinatown was small but especially colorful, too bad you missed it. I’m sure we missed lots but I hope we can return someday.
Dear Duwan and Greg, I can’t tell you how much we are enjoying your Vancouver/ road to Alaska blogs. Ed and I took the trailer from Port Angeles to Vancouver Island and then the ferry to Prince Rupert and on up to Watson Lake and beyond. We wound up in the Northwest Territories before going on to Alaska; didn’t want to come home. Such a wonderful place to wander.
So very glad you are having the opportunity to do a trip of a lifetime.
Love, Meredith and Ed
Yes, I can see how people fall in love with it up here. But I don’t think I could do the cold in the winter. The journey north was a good adventure. You’ve taken that trailer everywhere! I hate that our time is so short here. We will have to come back – especially to the Northwest Territories which we won’t see at all.
Your photos are fabulous. It’s all so colorful – both the man made and the natural. Victoria seems like a terrific place to set up for a couple weeks and really explore, but I agree with you, it could only be done in summer. The cold and the gray would be deal killers for me any other time of year.
Thanks Laura! British Columbia was often grey and rainy while we were there and our last day in Victoria was a but rainy. In fact we did the tour play in a drizzling rain. But it is a lovely city and probably does need more than two days to soak it all in. It is worth a return.
Wonderful gallery about Victoria! That tour/play concept looks interesting. I immensely enjoyed exploring this city as well. Since then, I follow and “met” a blogging friend who lives there. Wish I knew her when we passed through.
The play/tour was definitely a highlight. Would love to do something like that again in another city.
It would be great to have a connection in a city like Victoria. It is always cool to have that inside knowledge of a local.