February 24 & March 9 – 11, 2019.
I believe that I have mentioned that Greg (and subsequently I) has taken up the hobby of birding. It is a quite timely hobby in this era of COVID-19. A friend recently told me that she is glad to be at an age where she is just happy to take walks and hang out at home watching the birds at her feeder. We are too. And we are so lucky that the whole of the outside world is our feeder.
Unfortunately, although Greg had been saying he wanted to become a birder for some time, I didn’t really think about that when I bought my new camera. I had two choices – a more expensive one that had a longer zoom lens or a cheaper one that was better for taking pictures in lower light but had a shorter zoom. Since I like to take pictures in buildings, like museums, with lower light and love saving money I opted for the latter choice. If only I had known that the world was going to turn upside down and that we wouldn’t be going to museums or actually into any buildings except for grocery stores, I would have gotten that longer zoom. And you, my loyal readers, would never have to see a fuzzy bird picture on this blog.*
I have to admit we will probably never be the best birders. We like to keep moving. We might spot a bird in the distance but as soon as we get nearer the crunch, crunch, crunch of our footsteps on the road scares them away. To be a real birder I imagine you need to painstakingly stake out a place, get up before the crack of dawn, set out in your camos with your super zoom camera and tripod to your designated spot, and just sit and wait. This is not really our style (the sitting and waiting) although we have considered camouflaging Ballena Blanca, turning her into a rolling bird blind, parking her in a wash, and seeing who shows up.
So with the current restrictions on where we can go and what we can do and our new enthusiasm about this hobby, we are thinking that this blog may be going in a whole new direction. We may change its name to Make Like A Birder, or perhaps The Cynical Birder and his Photographing Sidekick or Birding About or Call It Birding (stole those last three from some blogging friends – see their blogs in the links in the sidebar). But no worries – I’m sure eventually we will get back to Utah and be enthused about rocks again or take up entomology. What do you think, Make Like A Bug-hunter?
*BTW – I actually love my new camera despite its limitations. And although you may be seeing a few fuzzy pictures here, my camera does take some very good shots especially when the subject is sitting still, well lit, and quite close.
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum is another one of those places, like the Biosphere 2 in our previous post, which I have been wanting to visit but felt the entry fee was too costly. This year we decided to shell out the bucks and go. I asked our friend Deanna, who lives in Tucson if she wanted to go with us. She did – and bonus! She is a member of the Museum and had two free passes.
The Desert Museum is more than just a museum. It is also part wildlife rescue, zoo, botanical garden, and immersive experience. The part of our day at the museum we were most looking forward to was the Raptor Free Flight. What is a Raptor Free Flight? It is birds of prey flying freely (untethered) right over your head in open desert. I don’t mean right over your head way up in the sky (they do that too) but literally you can feel the rush of air as they swoop over the crowd.
At the Raptor Free Flight handlers bring birds out into the open desert.

And let them fly freely.

They land wherever they like, usually on either side of the crowd who is packed together contained between metal railings.

The zoo part of the museum features desert animals in enclosed environments.

The museum also has indoor presentations. The one we went to featured a Gila Monster and a Rattlesnake.

And then there was the Walk-in Aviary & Hummingbird Aviary

Of course, we couldn’t miss the Reptile, Invertebrate & Amphibian Hall

The museum also has displays just for children, a gem and mineral exhibit, an art gallery, and more. And as you walk from one exhibit to the next you pass through an amazing botanical garden of desert plants. A whole day is simply not enough to see everything.
Cibola National Wildlife Refuge & Prieta Cabeza Visitor Center
A few weeks after our Desert Museum we found ourselves experiencing wildlife actually out in the wild. The first stop was at Cibola National Wildlife Refuge.

You can only visit the Prieta Cabeza National Wildlife Refuge by permit. We stopped at the visitor center in Ajo to find out the details in obtaining one (we now know the permit is free and available online). The visitor center has a nice museum and a bird blind out back. We were very excited about the bird blind where we got our first glimpse of a Gambel’s Quail.

*Click pics to enlarge and view in a slideshow.
**BTW – this is the second of our It’s A Wild Wild Life posts. The first about our experience at the Crane Fest in Mississippi and our visit to Davis Bayou can be found here.
Do you have any new hobbies? Have you ever thought about being a birder? We’d love to hear your comments about this post or anything it has inspired you to think about!
Great presentation! Thanks.
Your welcome! We enjoyed doing it. Hope all is good with you in Atlanta.
Loved this post with all the animals and especially the raptors! If you are back in our area in Sept. you should go to Caesars Head and participate in the Hawk Watch – thousands can be seen overhead traveling South. I have spotted 450 within one hour that were added to the official count as everyone else had left. It is so thrilling to see so many. Also, the yellow headed black bird which is common out west is not so common here. Several years ago one of my horses was having a fit – then I heard a strange, uncommon bird call. The horse was like a guard dog and he was alerted by the unusual bird. It was a Yellow Headed Blackbird. I started taking pics from FAR away as I knew it would leave – eventually it came within 15 feet and I got some pictures…back in the film day and I used an entire 36 shot roll on that bird. BTWm YEARS ago there was a Caracara at the Greenville Zoo….talking about 1970’s….caretaker showed me that bird loved having his head scratched. I would visit from time to time and scratch that birds head….people were amazed that I knew he would let me do that. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your trip and the birds!
Wow! We’d love to do the Hawk Watch. We weren’t planning on being back east that early but who knows any more. 450 in one hour! Love it!
And love your story about the yellow headed blackbird. I loved seeing them on our trip to Cibola. They look so tropical.
And of course, you would totally charm a bird!
Thank you so much for you stories. Sending out best to you and Pat.
You should look up https://hawkcount.org/ – there are places designated all across the country for the fall migration. Safe travels to you two!!!
Hugs! Debbie & Pat
Thanks for the link. It looks like we are the tail end of a spring migration where we are in Arizona.
Great pictures!
Thank you Teen! I had lots of fun taking them!
Al last caught up with the blog posts, yay!
Now, this is a first-rate birding guide. Even without having a big zoom lens. Embrace the extra challenges! 🙂 It looks like you’re both having a lot of fun with this new hobby. We often think about you two – well, mostly about Greg – basically, every time we see a bird. 🙂
Birding About! Yep, that’ll have to be your new blog name. You know, I’ve actually played around with writing a series of memoirs – the first being “Floating About”, followed by “Sitting About” (house and pet sitting adventures), and the last one, “Vanning About”. Feel free to use the “Birding About” – I won’t be using that one. 🙂
Thanks! I’m learning a lot about how to get good pics of birds with my “limited” camera.
I love the series of “Xing About” memoirs! they would make fun short stories?
So nice that you think of Greg when you see birds. He is getting quite good at birding. He can recognize some birds by their calls. I know absolutely nothing – I just take the pictures, resize and fix the lighting in Photoshop, name them bird1, bird2, etc and let Greg figure out what they are.