March 9 – March 20, 2018.
On March 9th we left La Bufadora and drove south, along the Pacific coast to San Quintín. We turned off the main highway Mex1 onto a dirt road, and drove to Cielito Lindo (pretty little heaven). The proprietor told us where we could camp, but didn’t want to bother with payment until happy hour. He’s a wise man.
One of our friendly, hand-shaking waiters in Ensenada had given me his cold. It felt like a low grade fever, lots of congestion and heaps of listlessness. (I’m used to being listful, not listless.) After a couple of days Duwan caught my cold. We relaxed at Cielito Lindo until the 15th.
Then we were off, driving down into the desert on Mex1. We drove through Rosalía, then were stopped at a military checkpoint. (Not sure what they are looking for at these checkpoints, guns maybe?) The road had been good so far, but turned bad starting here. For many miles I would drive around 20 mph, dodging big deep potholes. We pulled off into a nature preserve to camp.
The next morning we went to Cataviña to see cave paintings. We drove down some more bad road, and pulled off into the desert to camp.
On Saturday, the 17th, we crossed the 38th parallel into Baja Sur. This Southern end of the Baja peninsula is a separate state. There was a military checkpoint, and we had to pay 20 pesos to have the underside of the van sprayed with pesticide. We drove past the town of Guerrero Negro and turned off Mex1 onto an unpaved road. This 15 mile road was in good condition. It wound through a salt mine, and took us to Ojo de Liebre (Eye of the Hare). We stayed here until 3/20.
* All pics are click to enlarge.

So glad you are enjoying Mexico. Sorry bout the colds though.
The colds went on for way too long, but it all worked out that we were in a good place to be sick. Looking forward to getting back to Atlanta and sharing Mexico notes.
Just wanted to say Hi and let you know how much I appreciate the photos and especially the commentary you offer on each of them. Very entertaining and informative. Enjoy your life.
Thanks Bill! Glad to hear from you! We learn so much on the road and we love sharing it with other people.
Beautiful pics! Wish you were staying longer, enjoy your trip back!
Thanks! Wish we were staying longer and could meet up – but we got much closer to you this year!
Stunning photos. Incredible whale shots. Watch out for those Margaritas.
Thanks Capt. Robert! Margaritas are a bit different in Mexico than is the USA. Not sure if I will go there again.
Does anybody ever ask about Bob when they stop you? That is an excellent happy hour price!
I’m not sure if they’ve asked about Bob. They may have. But if they weren’t pointing directly at him and gesturing I could have missed it.