This post is a Widdershins Wednesday — which means we are turning the hands of time backwards and catching up on our travels we didn’t get a chance to write about last year. In this post we are turning back the clock to right after we left Chiricahua National Monument…
February 16 – February 20, 2017.
Our trip through Southern Arizona visiting The Coronado Forest, Tumacácori, Tombstone, The San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, Bisbee, Whitewater Draw, The Chiricahua Mountains, and Chiricahua National Monument, although truly wonderful and fun, was really all about killing time while we tried to stay warm. Our real destination was Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, a complex of Native American ruins in the southwest corner of the Colorado Plateau. I had visited Chaco 30 years ago and left there in complete awe. I wanted to share that awe with Greg, but it was too cold for us at Chaco in February. Of course, we knew it would warm up, so I plugged Chaco Canyon into my weather app and checked it daily ( 28° over night – tooooo cold, 33° – better, but not good enough) as we traveled through the warmer lower part of Arizona.
When we left Chiricahua Nation Monument, I checked my app once again. In 5 days time it would be 44° over night at Chaco. It was time to drive into New Mexico and start creeping our way north.
* All pics are click to enlarge.

That’s an extreme way to stock up on toilet paper.
For some it is an extreme life style. We also saw the guy Greg heard hoarding toilet paper in another Walmart parking lot. It appeared he just bounce from one to the other.
Loved it, especially the ceremonial mask that was reminiscent of “where the wild things are”
I thought some of the petroglyphs looked like aliens! Makes you wonder…
Loved it, especially the ceremonial mask that was reminiscent of “where the wild things are”