May 27 – October 1, 2017.
It is time for the Cabbagetown wrap-up blog. In case you have just started following along or have just been skipping the yearly blog or two about Cabbagetown, here is the deal –
Cabbagetown is a small neighborhood in Atlanta. We used to own a house in Cabbagetown. Then we went sailing and rented it out (and eventually sold it). We still go back to Cabbagetown every summer/hurricane season where we house sit. We are lucky, Cabbagetown is a tight-knit community where everyone knows everyone else and most of those people have pets and love to travel. We spend a solid 4 to 5 months moving almost every week from home to home and pet to pet, house sitting around the neighborhood.
We also do odd jobs and painting while we are in Cabbagetown so we can afford our unconventional lifestyle.
We have written posts about all this before – and although every summer is different, the overall experience is kind of the same. But still every year, despite 10 years of living off and on in Cabbagetown, there are still firsts. So here’s to firsts and new experiences!
Some of our Firsts:
The Blog
• This is the 1st time we are going to take the blog out of chronological order. I know this isn’t a Cabbagetown first, but I thought it was a good place to explain what I am going to do with the blog after this post. I really like the linear flow of the blog, but we have gotten way behind and because I don’t want to hold everything up, I have decided to start here anew with our wrap-up of Cabbagetown and then jump right into what is going on now (getting ready for a season of sailing). This doesn’t mean that I am going to abandon writing about our adventures in Ballena Blanca last winter, but that from time to time I am going to hop back to them with one of these:
- Throwback Thursday
- Flashback Friday
- So, so, so long ago Saturday
- Space time continuum Sunday
- My fading memory Monday
- Time tripping Tuesday
- When was that? Wednesday
Pet Sitting

• 1st time living on Short Street. We have now lived on 9 of the 17 streets in Cabbagetown. A few of these streets, ironically, unlike Short St., are actually very short – 6 or less houses, which reduces our chances of connecting with the traveling pet owners that live there, meaning we may never reach our goal of living on every street in the neighborhood, but living the life we do probably defies lots of odds anyways – so who knows.
• 1st time subcontracting house sitting. My niece was looking for a get away to do some writing and we had a friend who we had to turn down for house sitting because we were already booked somewhere else – so since we haven’t figured out the cloning thing yet, we got the two together.
• 1st time we have slept in our van in Cabbagetown. Friends usually take us in when we have house sitting gaps – and we did go stay with a friend for a week during one of these gaps this summer, but during the smaller gaps – one or two days, we stayed in the van.
• 1st time Greg and his painting partner Paul worked in these Atlanta neighborhoods: Virginia Highland, Reynoldstown, and West Midtown. Most of Greg and Paul’s jobs are in Cabbagetown and they do work from time to time outside the neighborhood, but it seemed like this year their reputation had really grown and they got lots of recommendations outside the ‘hood. Quoting one of their clients who called Greg and Paul after receiving numerous recommendations about them on social media – “Apparently I’d be a fool not to hire you guys.”
• 2nd time I spent spent the summer scanning, 3rd time I spent the summer waiting tables. Yes, I know these aren’t firsts, but I didn’t want you all to think I was a slacker all summer while Greg was traversing all of Atlanta painting houses.
I have (used to have) boxes and boxes of old letters, slides, negatives, and photographs. For the past two summers I have been digitizing it all and throwing the originals away. I probably have another summers worth of scanning before my load is truly lightened.

Friends and Fun


Did you have any firsts or new experiences this summer? Did you host any evacuees from any of the hurricanes? Have you ever partied in a grocery store? Are you ready to go sailing, yet?
Cabbage town looks like my kind of place. Thanks for sharing.
Yes, I think you would enjoy it. If you are around the area next summer, give us a yell and come by and visit.
This place is Baby Boomer Heaven. Hope the voyage prep is going well.
Yeah – us Baby Boomers know how to have fun. The voyage prep is on. Sometimes it feels like two steps back for each forward – but generally I think we are getting there.
What a pleasure this was reading your blog this morning! You remind me why I love my hood(with great pics and edits!). I miss your faces and hope your sailing trip is fabulous! Dian
Thanks Dian! We miss you too! Hope all is well back in C-town!
This is fabulous – it makes me want to move to Cabbagetown full-time!
Thanks! I am sure Cabbagetown would take you in a hot minute!