February 28 – January 3.

(Sorry. This post isn’t really about sailing.)
On Friday Feb 28th I went to the Carolinas to see my newborn grandson, Gabriel. I was concerned about leaving Duwan alone on Blue Wing. Not for fear that she would get robbed or have trouble getting ashore. But that she might have to move the boat by herself because of weather. We hadn’t practiced this drill much. So we found an ‘all weather’ anchorage and hoped for the best.
Just after sunrise we dinked in to Staniel Cay. The forecast was for light wind, but of course it was blowing like crazy from the west. We were pretty wet by the time we arrived. We took the ten-minute walk to the airstrip.
On arrival, the pilot of the prop plane to Nassau looked at all the passengers and luggage and told us he just couldn’t carry everything. Luckily my backpack made the cut.
The Bahamian woman seated behind me had to be lifted into the plane. Her ankle was hurt. She said she had fallen at Musha Cay on Wednesday, and had either dislocated or broken it. The weather was too rough for her to ride a boat Thursday. It was still too rough this morning but she rode anyway. She said boating through the cut was tough. I’m sure it was awful.
The flight was pleasant, but we couldn’t see much of the Exuma isles because of the cloud cover. From Nassau I took a jet flight to Charlotte, NC. My parents met me at the airport, and took me to their house, where I got caught up on the latest family news.
My daughter Jessica and her husband Chris live in Estonia (long story), but she came to Spartanburg, SC to have the baby. Gabriel was born Feb 4th. Chris was here, but could only stay for three weeks. So my folks and I went to Spartanburg see Jessica and Gabriel.
My son, James, and his sweetie Taylor were able to come from Greenville, SC to join us all for lunch. We went to a restaurant, where I was sure we’d be kicked out because of baby screaming. But no, Gabriel behaved wonderfully.
The next day I took a solo trip to see Jessica and Gabriel. She was in good spirits even though he had chosen not to sleep the night before. It was so fun to see them. I hope they get to move to the US soon.
What else? I bought a few things that are expensive or hard to find in The Bahamas. And I got to hang out with kinfolk I haven’t seen in a while. Oh, and I took long, hot, fresh water showers every morning and night.
The fight back was uneventful but scenic. I’m glad to be back with my sweetheart in the warm islands. I know I will need to adjust to the fast paced world in a few months. A brief taste is about all I can handle now.

Congrats Greg and Duwan … beautiful baby!
Congrats on the new addition Greg and Duwan. Hope our wakes cross again