March 19 – March 22

In the morning, flocks of Tropicbirds make passes over patches of water looking for their new day’s repast. From a distance they appear as white flakes in a shaken snow globe, gently hovering and swirling in the sky. Up close, you can see their brilliant white feathers, long trailing tails, black tipped wings, and radiant breasts reflecting the warm azure color of the sea below them. With bellies full, one by one, they head back to their nest hidden in the thick brush and stone of the paradisical beauty of Conception Island.
Conception Island is a 3 mile long, 2 1/2 mile wide Bahamas National Park bordered by the deep waters of the Exuma Sound in the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the east. It is a sanctuary for migratory birds, sea birds, and green turtles. We spent 4 days there hiking its coastline, exploring its mangrove creek, enjoying the company of friends, snorkeling, and riding out the uneasy seas of a weather front.

Yay! Loved the shark photo!