Monday March 18th we wake early and start our passage to Conception.
The day starts with a light southeast breeze. The first leg of our trip is through charted shallows up the remaining 15 miles of Long Island coastline. We proceed slowly, but even at low tide the water is much deeper than the charts indicate.
As we pass the northern tip of Long Island and sail northeast, the wind increases to 25 MPH. The Bahamas weather god, Chris Parker, said it would just be 15 MPH, so I am sure this is just the wind bending around the tip island. I’m wrong.
We beat into the wind the whole trip. We actually sail north of Conception then tack back down the length of the island. Then we tack again toward the anchorage on the west side.
It is much calmer here. And, for now, there is no surge from the ocean. This was a major concern for us. Conception is not on the edge of a shallow bank like most of the cays we’ve visited. It is a small dot in a big ocean, surrounded by water 1000 feet deep. And that water wants to rush around our tiny isle.
There are 15 boats here already. We recognize a few from the rally. Don and Patty from Silent Wings call to tell us there is room to anchor by their boat. As soon as we get settled they pick us up for happy hour on the beach. Here we are in the middle of nowhere with very few sailors. But, of course, one of them must have a birthday or special occasion to celebrate.