Right now we stay in my parents’ house in Florida. This gated community is definitely a cultural island. If your needs consist of swimming, tennis, golf, or bocce ball you can stay safely in the island. You will not be disturbed by rowdy neighbors. Your house here will withstand hurricanes. If you need provisions, though, you must drive out to US-1. Actually we are in one islet of a huge archipelago of gated communities connected by US-1.
How can you deny that Narlins, LA has a special character all its own? We loved traveling the wide streets lined with live oaks, playing music in the park, and being stopped in our tracks if we failed to greet someone with a friendly morning ‘hello’. Now this place is really special. I’ve only heard of one other ‘island’ below sea level, and that’s Atlantis. Anybody been there?
Why else is C-Town a favorite? Differences are tolerated. Residents think globally and act locally. There are spontaneous outbursts of music and art. C-town celebrates its island heritage, but is not bound by it. A place can appreciate its roots, but with connections to the outer world can still survive and thrive.