As they lowered her into the water and we backed away from the dock it was overcast and threatening rain. The water felt thick and full and Blue Wing felt very right for the first time since we hauled her out. It is very odd to be on a boat on the hard. The lack of motion seems unnatural and unsafe. We were glad to have Blue Wing back where she belonged and be aboard our home.
Our plan was to go out the West Palm Beach inlet, take Blue Wing for a sail and then anchor in Lake Worth for the night. But the bad weather descended upon us and what seemed like would be just a drizzly motor out to the ocean turned into a rainy low visibility trip. We turned around and went back to the anchorage.
We had gotten up at 4am that morning to catch a cab to the park and ride where we caught the express bus which took us to The Gardens Mall and the number 1 bus which took us to the boat yard. Working on little sleep we were perfectly fine to swing on the hook and do nothing while we were rained on for the rest of the day. I started reading my first book in over two years – Terry Pratchett’s Moving Pictures.